First Blog Of Many, I Hope You Take Some Of Me And Give Some Of You…

I meet a lot of people.  I mean a LOT of people.  This isn’t by accident and it’s not really by design either.  I travel a lot, but even when I’m not traveling and maybe just walking down the street, I take the time to stop and have a chat with random folks wherever I might find myself.  I have been trying to somehow narrow down this existence since I was a very young child and the only real common denominator I’ve found is people.  Us.  Each other.  We’re all kind of in this life thing together.  

Each one of us is extremely talented.  We’re born with it.  We have the potential to do amazing things with our powers.  So why don’t some of us?  I suppose we could answer this question a bunch of ways, but I’ll take one little stab: ‘We don’t think we can.’  We have been either told we CANNOT or NOT told that we CAN do whatever it is that might be our wildest dreams and make us extremely happy.  Our imaginations are wonderful and we all have them – from our imaginations have come ideas that have made things possible that MOST people never believed would be possible.  Those “crazy” people who dare to believe in their imaginations, who think they CAN – those CRAZY people – they change the world my friends.  I believe I CAN.  In fact, I know I CAN.  I am doing amazing things.  The most amazing things I have ever done in my life or will ever do have been based out of love for others.

So here we are in this kind of life thing, trying to figure it all out, and most of us (the list starting with me) aren’t really sure what the heck this life thing is.  We have government and infrastructure and all of that good stuff, so we can try and create semblance and structure in our lives.  We use our amazing brains and all of our energy to go to work every day and do jobs that most of us aren’t really that passionate about.  I know plenty of people with millions of dollars that are not enjoying their daily lives.  Why?  They’re not living the life that they want to live.  I think all humans want to feel useful, feel loved, feel appreciated, and feel like they can help others.  That’s all we really have when you break it all down.  Each other.  

The money, the fame – all of that fades, but how about that time when someone did something unexpectedly gracious for you?  Something that shocked you when you were on your knees, in dire straights, someone came and helped you out?  Maybe a late night call, maybe a meal, maybe a few bucks, maybe a few words, a card, gave you the last bite of their meal, maybe their time when they had their own “stuff” going on?  

Some people might say, “Well nobody has ever done anything like that for me.”  

To that response, I challenge those people to go out and do it for someone else.  We all have people in our lives that need our help.  Heck, I need help every day.  I’m a needy guy – I’m not afraid to admit it.  I love to feel useful, I love being hugged, praised, loved, and more than anything – ANYTHING: I love being able to hug, praise, and love others.  Why?  Because I know how much it means to them.  We are all humans.  We’re all in this life thing together.  No matter your salary, education, achievements, medals, whatever – you’re still a human and you still need to feel useful, be hugged, praised, and loved.  I know I do.  

I kind of jumped into my chair with a loose goal of really targeting what I wanted my BLOG to be about and something happened and I just started typing furiously.  I think this is actually kind of working because as I am rambling about how much I love life and I love people, things are starting to come into focus.  I want this blog to be a place where people can come to and find refuge and maybe some answers.  Better yet, I want this blog to be a place where people can see that they’re not alone, that there are tons of people out there just like you, asking the same damn questions and struggling, thinking they are alone and thinking that they CANNOT.  This is a place where you CAN.  You CAN start to see that you’re made of amazing stuff.  You CAN start to see that there are others who are sitting up at night, or dead bored at a dayjob they don’t like, or worried sick about how they’re going to make rent – people just like you and me.  Everything is relative – we all feel the same pains and emotions.  You CAN do amazing things and you CAN do what you want to do.  You are special and you are someone who matters to someone else – even though you may not know it.  I might not know you yet, but YOU matter to me.  I mean that from the bottom of my heart.  

So, when you’re through checking your emails, you’re tired of checking, and re-checking, and re-checking your social media sites to see if anyone has mentioned you or commented or liked something you posted or just interacted with you (hahaha – I know you do it too!), and when you’re just feeling kind of alone in your mind, heart, and soul – come on over and hang out over here – I’d like to create a place where people can come and know that they’re not alone.  A place where people can feel loved and appreciated.  That’s what this blog is about.  

I have no idea how to set up this blog or whatever it will manifest itself into, with all of you guys, but I’ll get to work on it now.  I honestly don’t know what topics I will cover in this blog, but I can assure you that you will not be judged, you will feel like part of a community and have a chance to interact with each other (which I encourage and would love to see – there’s nothing better than introducing two of your friends from different circles and watching a relationship develop between them), to interact with me – I’m really big on being responsive (I can’t stand feeling ignored), and most of all to understand that you CAN.  We’re all in this life thing together, so why not talk about things that matter to us, things that go unsaid, things that maybe someone else can help you out with?  I’d like this blog to be a place where you CAN find that someone.  So anyway, I think I just wrote myself into actually what this blog is about.  Now, I’ve gotta figure out how to get this thing started!  

Love & Peas,
Josh Rizzo

About rizzojoshua

I'm probably a lot like you, trying to figure out what it is we're all doing here. I'm going to write about what's honestly on my mind and heart, and I hope to inspire you and be inspired by you.
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6 Responses to First Blog Of Many, I Hope You Take Some Of Me And Give Some Of You…

  1. Reggie Jackson says:

    Love it brotha… From the initial seeds this thing looks like it has the potential to be something big. I know you have a lot of amazing ideas and tons of creativity in that Russell Crowe (beautiful mind) of yours that seems to never stop running. Thanks in advance for this blog which is sure to be chalk full of awesomeness, and for being that friend that has always been there, and for helping me out when I was the one in dire straights.

    • rizzojoshua says:

      I’ll always be there Reggie – it’s the reason I started this blog thing – we all need each other at some point and our circle of people are the greatest thing we can have in our lives.

  2. Brent says:

    I’m proud of you man. Love the idea. Thanks for sharing.

    • rizzojoshua says:

      Proud of you Brent – we’re in this thing together for the long haul brother. The idea is brand new, and I’ll continue to refine it as I learn about the blogging thing – Ben, Dr. Al, and Dr. Gamble are helping me navigate my way through this, so I can make it as relevant as possible for as many people as possible. Thanks for the comment brother.

  3. Boyd Huff says:

    Wide-eyed optimism is always refreshing, and its something that I feel privileged to have seen come out in you Josh Rizzo. Keep it coming!

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